Change your daily water into hydrogen water.A compact tabletop hydrogen water generator that you can place on your table. GAURA mini Change your daily water into hydrogen water.A compact tabletop hydrogen water generator that you can place on your table. GAURA mini Change your daily water into hydrogen water.A compact tabletop hydrogen water generator that you can place on your table. GAURA mini



Territories where products on this site can be sold and supplied are limited to Japan and the United States of America.


Easier and More Personal

GAURAmini is a hydrogen water generator that was developed with
the concept of providing an easier way for households to enjoy high concentration hydrogen water.
Compact, stylish and affordable.
Start your daily hydrogen water life with GAURAmini


Commitment to authentic hydrogen water

What is hydrogen water

Since models and beauticians started drinking hydrogen water, a boom started amongst people who are health and beauty conscious.
Hydrogen water is water (H2O) infused with a rich amount of diatomic hydrogen (H2).

Why Hydrogen Water is in the Spotlight

Taking in hydrogen is recommended to keep your body health and also to maintain beauty.

The Difference

GAURA’s “Dual Hydrogen Method”

GAURAmini is a hydrogen water generator that allows you to drink hydrogen water instantly without any waiting time.
Although typical hydrogen water generators require time to generate hydrogen, with GAURAmini,
all you need to do is just pour water into the tank and you can enjoy hydrogen water instantly.
Tank-type dispenser that requires no installation work.
GAURA’s high concentration hydrogen water generator comes with a full scale structure
and is completely different from the traditional circulation or cartridge type dispensers.
Using the one-pass method that decomposes water through electrolysis around the nozzle exit area,
high concentration hydrogen water is freshly made every time you pour a cup.

That's why you can enjoy freshly made
high concentration hydrogen water at home anytime.

Since models and beauticians started drinking hydrogen water,
a boom started amongst people who are health and beauty conscious.
Hydrogen water is water (H2O) infused with a rich amount of diatomic hydrogen (H2).

GAURAmini High Concentration Hydrogen Water

What is ppm?

ppm refers to “Parts Per Million”, so means 1 out of 1 million,
and is a term used in indicating concentration mainly in liquids and gases.

GAURAmini is Manufactured under a Strict Quality Control System.

Tested and Verified at Various Institutions

In order for hydrogen to exert its full effects, adequate verification needs to be done.At GAURA, we test and verify the capabilities of our hydrogen water generators over various periods.
Please enjoy freshly made high concentration hydrogen water at the ease of your home.


Commitment to Ease

Drinking hydrogen water every day will help promote your health and enhance your beauty.
To lessen the burden of continuing the routine of drinking hydrogen water every day, GAURA has focused on delivering a product that is easy to use.

Built-In Purifying Filter

GAURAmini, with its compact form, has a built-in purifying filter made of activated carbon to eliminate residual chlorine in tap water.
As you can make hydrogen water by simply adding tap water, there is no need to worry about costs so enjoy using plenty of hydrogen water to drink, to share with your pets and also to wash your face with.

No Initial Installation Work

There is no need for initial installation work, usually needed for large water dispensers.
All you need to do is place it in the kitchen, on the living room table or anywhere you want and you can start your hydrogen water life right away.

No Waiting Time

Typical hydrogen water generators require several minutes to several dozen minutes to create hydrogen water but with GAURAmini, all you need to do is press the water supply button and you will get hydrogen water right away.
There is no need to wait and you can enjoy hydrogen water anytime you want without any stress.

Easy Maintenance

Every time 30 liters of water is used, the cleaning sign will flash to let you know it’s time to clean the hydrogen generator.
Just press the cleaning button. By cleaning the hydrogen generator area that tends to get dirty, the hydrogen generator’s longevity will be extended.


Commitment to Design

A hydrogen water generator that sits in the kitchen or living room is of course, a part of your home décor and something you see every day.
GAURAmini comes in a variety of color variations to choose from to match your room and home décor.
The color lineup includes standard monotone colors and vibrant vitamin colors (vivid colors) so you will be able to find a color that suits your room.

Width 18cm x length 38cm. GAURAmini’s compact body and stylish design allows you to set it in a variety of places.



Territories where products on this site can be sold and supplied are limited to Japan and the United States of America.


A summary of frequently asked question
when purchasing GAURAmini.

Do I need to clean and replace the cartridge and filter?

If you allow the first water you pour in the morning to run for a little while, longevity of the filter will be extended.The filter will need to be replaced once a year.

Can GAURAmini serve both cold and hot water?

GAURAmini only has the function to serve room temperature water.
If you would like to drink cold water, make room temperature hydrogen water, place it in the refrigerator and drink without too much delay. We have received feedback from our customers saying that washing vegetables and using room temperature hydrogen water for cooking has made the meals more delicious.
*H II GAURA (hydrogen water dispenser) is capable of serving both cold and hot water. For more information, please see here.

Is set up easy?

Yes, setting up is easy and since this is a tabletop hydrogen water generator, it does not require much space and can be placed even in areas with little space.
Since the tank holds 4 liters of water, you don't have to add water many times a day, and can enjoy hydrogen water without much hassle.

Do you need to exchange the hydrogen gas?

GAURAmini is a high concentration hydrogen water generator that creates hydrogen through electrolysis to makes hydrogen water. Therefore, hydrogen gas is not used and there is no need to change it.

Is it necessary to drain the water?

No, there is no need to drain the water with GAURA’s high concentration hydrogen water generator.